
Latest info on SVGMarks

What is new in SVGMarks 4

SVGMarks 4 is the latest version of SVGMarks, which was developed by a complete overhaul of the previous version 3.08. It comes with the following major improvements:

  • Inkscape is no longer needed. Opening images, their processing, and mark alignment is lightning fast because it is done internally by SVGMarks.
  • Image stitching is a new feature that applies the same transformation to any number of images. It is used when multiple images are captured automatically by a microscope with a motorized stage. It allows all transformed images to be loaded into a design file to form a single large stitched image.
  • Support for high DPI displays and font scaling (fonts no longer appear blurred on modern displays in Windows 10/11).
  • Mark properties (such as color and thickness) can be adjusted during manual alignment because SVGMarks has full control over the workflow.

Release notes

4.0027 May 2024The brand-new version that no longer requires Inkscape and has many new features (see "What is new in SVGMarks 4" above).
3.0826 Sep 2020Fixed the 'Parameter is not valid' bug. The problem was caused by the last release of Inkscape 1.0.x, which deprecated some commands without providing backwards compatibility. This version of SVGMarks is not needed for Inkscape 0.92.x.
3.0722 Jan 2018It is possible to change the size, thickness and colour of marks. Fixed issue with some high-resolution images (e.g. taken from a smartphone).
3.0615 Sep 2017It is possible to enter a minus sign in the text boxes using the numeric keypad. Fixed problem with wrong directory separator on Linux.
3.0512 Sep 2017Fixed error 'Input string was not in a correct format'. This was caused by a recent version of Inkscape that changed the format of some vector objects.